Monthly Fee:
Our monthly fee will be automatically charged to your account the first week of each month. We do not prorate for school vacation days or for days cancelled by the school.  Some months, classes will meet for five weeks and some for 4 weeks. We do not charge an additional fee for those months that are 5 weeks. 

Registration Fee:
We charge a $20.00 registration fee. It is non-refundable, and you only pay once per school year, one per family.

Class Info & Pricing
All classes are one hour (60 minutes) and meet once per week. Gymnastics and cheer classes are $80.00 per month. All other classes, dance, basketball and soccer are $65.00 per month.

Cancellation Request:
A two-week notice, via email ( is required to cancel your class. We will charge your account for a full month’s tuition without an advanced two-week notice. Cancellation requests must be in writing, we will not accept a verbal notice.